Channel: Instrumentation and Methods – Vox Charta
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The effect of broadband soft X-rays in SO2-containing ices: Implication on the photochemistry of ices towards young stellar objects


We investigate the effects produced mainly by broadband soft X-rays up to 2 keV (plus fast (keV) photoelectrons and low-energy (eV) induced secondary electrons) in the ice mixtures containing H2O:CO2:NH3:SO2 (10:1:1:1) at two different temperatures (50 K and 90 K). The experiments are an attempt to simulate the photochemical processes induced by energetic photons in SO2-containing ices present in cold environments in the ices surrounding young stellar objects (YSO) and in molecular clouds in the vicinity of star-forming regions, which are largely illuminated by soft X-rays. The measurements were performed using a high vacuum portable chamber from the Laboratorio de Astroquimica e Astrobiologia (LASA/UNIVAP) coupled to the spherical grating monochromator (SGM) beamline at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS) in Campinas, Brazil. In-situ analyses were performed by a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer. Sample processing revealed the formation of several organic molecules, including nitriles, acids, and other compounds such as H2O2, H3O+, SO3, CO, and OCN-. The dissociation cross section of parental species was in the order of 2-7E-18 cm2. The ice temperature seems not to affect the stability for SO2 in the presence of X-rays. Formation cross sections of produced new species were also determined. Molecular half-lives at ices towards YSOs due to the presence of incoming soft X-rays were estimated. The low obtained values, employing two different models of radiation field of YSOs (TW Hydra and typical T Tauri star), reinforce that soft X-rays are indeed a very efficient source of molecular dissociation in such environments.

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