The New IRAM KID Array 2 (NIKA 2) is a dual-band camera operating with three frequency-multiplexed kilopixels arrays of Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors (LEKID) cooled at 150 mK. NIKA 2 is designed to observe the intensity and polarisation of the sky at 1.15 and 2.0 mm from the IRAM 30 m telescope. It represents one step further with respect the NIKA pathfinder instrument, which has already shown state-of- the-art detector and photometric performance. After the commissioning planned to be accomplished at the end of 2016, NIKA 2 will be an IRAM resident instrument for the next ten years or more. NIKA 2 should allow the astrophysical community to tackle a large number of open questions going from the role of the Galactic magnetic field in star formation to the discrepancy between cluster-based and CMB-based cosmology possibly induced by the unknown cluster physics. We present an overview of the commissioning phase together with some first results.