One of the most important parameters defining the angular resolution of an X-ray optical module is its Half-Energy Width (HEW) as a function of the photon energy. Future X-ray telescopes with imaging capabilities (SIMBOL-X, Constellation-X, NeXT, EDGE, XEUS,...) should be characterized by a very good angular resolution in soft (< 10 keV) and hard (> 10 keV) X-rays. As a consequence, an important point in the optics development for these telescopes is the simulation of the achievable HEW for a system of X-ray mirrors. This parameter depends on the single mirror profile and nesting accuracy, but also on the mirrors surface microroughness that causes X-ray Scattering (XRS). In particular, owing to its dependence on the photon energy, XRS can dominate the profile errors in hard X-rays: thus, its impact has to be accurately evaluated in every single case, in order to formulate surface finishing requirements for X-ray mirrors. In this work we provide with some simulations of the XRS term of the HEW for some future soft and hard X-ray telescopes.