The Mirror Alignment and Control System for CT5 of the H.E.S.S. experiment...
The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) experiment is one of the largest observatories for gamma-ray astronomy. It consists of four telescopes with a reflecting dish diameter of 12m (CT1 to CT4)...
View ArticlePerformance of the VERITAS experiment [Replacement]
VERITAS is a ground-based gamma-ray instrument operating at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory in southern Arizona. With an array of four imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs), VERITAS is...
View ArticleFirst polarised light with the NIKA camera [Replacement]
NIKA is a dual-band camera operating with 315 frequency multiplexed LEKIDs cooled at 100 mK. NIKA is designed to observe the sky in intensity and polarisation at 150 and 260 GHz from the IRAM 30-m...
View ArticleAn adaptively refined phase-space element method for cosmological simulations...
N-body simulations are essential for understanding the formation and evolution of structure in the Universe. However, the discrete nature of these simulations affects their accuracy when modelling...
View ArticleA proposal for measuring photon temporal coherence in continuum radiation...
A technique complementary to those for spectral lines is proposed for the observation of continuum radiation. As, quantum mechanically, the radiation is a mixture of pure states, it should be possible...
View ArticleEssential Magnetohydrodynamics for Astrophysics [Replacement]
This text is intended as an introduction to magnetohydrodynamics in astrophysics, emphasizing a fast path to the elements essential for physical understanding. It assumes experience with concepts from...
View ArticleReport from the Multi-Messenger Working Group at UHECR-2014 Conference
The IceCube, Pierre Auger and Telescope Array Collaborations have recently reported results on neutral particles (neutrons, photons and neutrinos) which complement the measurements on charged primary...
View ArticleStratospheric Imaging of Polar Mesospheric Clouds: A New Window on...
Instabilities and turbulence extending to the smallest dynamical scales play important roles in the deposition of energy and momentum by gravity waves throughout the atmosphere. However, these dynamics...
View ArticleKinematic Modelling of Disc Galaxies using Graphics Processing Units
With large-scale Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) surveys of thousands of galaxies currently under-way or planned, the astronomical community is in need of methods, techniques and tools that will...
View ArticleA cryogenic rotation stage with a large clear aperture for a half-wave plate
We describe the cryogenic half-wave plate rotation mechanisms built for and used in Spider, a polarization-sensitive balloon-borne telescope array that observed the Cosmic Microwave Background at 95...
View ArticleThe Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory: Cloud-Based Mock Galaxy Catalogues...
We introduce the Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory (TAO), an online virtual laboratory that houses mock observations of galaxy survey data. Such mocks have become an integral part of the modern...
View ArticleRecovering hidden signals of statistical anisotropy from a masked or partial...
Any isotropy violating phenomena on cosmic microwave background (CMB) induces off-diagonal correlations in the two-point function. These correlations themselves can be used to estimate the underlying...
View ArticleReconstruction of Chirp Mass in the Search of Compact Binaries
Excess energy method is used in searches of gravitational waves (GWs) produced from sources with poorly modeled characteristics. It identifies GW events by searching for coincidence appearance of...
View ArticleA study of spatial correlations in pulsar timing array data
Pulsar timing array experiments search for phenomena that produce angular correlations in the arrival times of signals from millisecond pulsars. The primary goal is to detect an isotropic and...
View ArticleIVOA Recommendation: Registry Relational Schema Version 1.0
Registries provide a mechanism with which VO applications can discover and select resources - first and foremost data and services - that are relevant for a particular scientific problem. This...
View ArticleThe DAMIC dark matter experiment [Cross-Listing]
The DAMIC (Dark Matter in CCDs) experiment uses high resistivity, scientific grade CCDs to search for dark matter. The CCD's low electronic noise allows an unprecedently low energy threshold of a few...
View ArticleThe DAMIC dark matter experiment [Cross-Listing]
The DAMIC (Dark Matter in CCDs) experiment uses high resistivity, scientific grade CCDs to search for dark matter. The CCD's low electronic noise allows an unprecedently low energy threshold of a few...
View ArticleA Bayesian approach to linear regression in astronomy [Replacement]
Linear regression is common in astronomical analyses. I discuss a Bayesian hierarchical modeling of data with heteroscedastic and possibly correlated measurement errors and intrinsic scatter. The...
View ArticleTrans-Dimensional Bayesian Inference for Gravitational Lens Substructures...
We introduce a Bayesian solution to the problem of inferring the density profile of strong gravitational lenses when the lens galaxy may contain multiple dark or faint substructures. The source and...
View ArticleExoData: A python package to handle large exoplanet catalogue data
Exoplanet science often involves using the system parameters of real exoplanets for tasks such as simulations, fitting routines, and target selection for proposals. Software that bridges the barrier...
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