Multipole Electrodynamic Ion Trap Geometries for Microparticle Confinement...
Trapping of microparticles and aerosols is of great interest for physics and chemistry. We report microparticle trapping in multipole linear Paul trap geometries, operating under Standard Ambient...
View ArticleSpectroradiometry with Space Telescopes [Replacement]
Radiometry has been of fundamental importance in astronomy from the early beginnings. In this review, we provide an overview of how to achieve a valid laboratory calibration of space telescopes and...
View ArticleOn the universality of interstellar filaments: theory meets simulations and...
Filaments are ubiquitous in the universe. Recent observations have revealed that stars and star clusters form preferentially along dense filaments. Understanding the formation and properties of...
View ArticleVariable Star Signature Classification using Slotted Symbolic Markov Modeling
With the advent of digital astronomy, new benefits and new challenges have been presented to the modern day astronomer. No longer can the astronomer rely on manual processing, instead the profession as...
View ArticleTensor classification of structure in smoothed particle hydrodynamics density...
As hydrodynamic simulations increase in scale and resolution, identifying structures with non-trivial geometries or regions of general interest becomes increasingly challenging. There is a growing need...
View ArticleIVOA Provenance data model: hints from the CTA Provenance prototype
We present the last developments on the IVOA Provenance data model, mainly based on the W3C PROV concept. In the context of the Cherenkov astronomy, the data processing stages imply both assumptions...
View ArticleFast Radio Transient searches with UTMOST at 843 MHz
We report the first radio interferometric search at 843 MHz for fast transients, particularly Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). The recently recommissioned Swinburne University of Technology's digital backend...
View ArticleHexapod Design For All-Sky Sidereal Tracking
In this paper we describe a hexapod-based telescope mount system intended to provide sidereal tracking for the Fly's Eye Camera project -- an upcoming moderate, 21"/pixel resolution all-sky survey. By...
View ArticleAstroclimatic Characterization of Vallecitos: A candidate site for the...
We conducted an 18 month long study of the weather conditions of the Vallecitos, a proposed site in Mexico to harbor the northern array of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). It is located in Sierra...
View ArticleThe LAMOST Data Archive and Data Release
The Large sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) is the largest optical telescope in China. In last four years, the LAMOST telescope has published four editions data (pilot data...
View ArticleCHIPS: The Cosmological HI Power Spectrum Estimator
Detection of the cosmological neutral hydrogen signal from the Epoch of Reionization, and estimation of its basic physical parameters, is the principal scientific aim of many current low-frequency...
View ArticleOdyssey: A Public GPU-Based Code for General-Relativistic Radiative Transfer...
General-relativistic radiative transfer (GRRT) calculations coupled with the calculation of geodesics in the Kerr spacetime are an essential tool for determining the images, spectra and light curves...
View ArticleA new neutrino source for the study of the solar neutrino physics in the...
Production of a neutrino source through proton induced reaction is studied by using the particle transport code, GEANT4. Unstable isotope such as $^{27}$Si can be produced when $^{27}$Al target is...
View ArticleShape asymmetry: a morphological indicator for automatic detection of...
We present a new morphological indicator designed for automated recognition of galaxies with faint asymmetric tidal features suggestive of an ongoing or past merger. We use this new indicator, together...
View ArticleLeveraging waveform complexity for confident detection of gravitational waves...
The recent completion of Advanced LIGO suggests that gravitational waves (GWs) may soon be directly observed. Past searches for gravitational-wave transients have been impacted by transient noise...
View ArticleMeta Classification for Variable Stars
The need for the development of automatic tools to explore astronomical databases has been recognized since the inception of CCDs and modern computers. Astronomers already have developed solutions to...
View ArticleCalibrated and completeness-corrected optical stellar density maps of the...
Following on from the second release of calibrated photometry from IPHAS, the INT/WFC Photometric H-alpha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane, we present incompleteness-corrected stellar density maps...
View ArticleEveryday Radio Telescope [Cross-Listing]
We have developed an affordable, portable college level radio telescope for amateur radio astronomy which can be used to provide hands-on experience with the fundamentals of a radio telescope and an...
View ArticleThe sensitivity of past and near-future lunar radio experiments to...
Various experiments have been conducted to search for the radio emission from ultra-high-energy particles interacting in the lunar regolith. Although they have not yielded any detections, they have...
View Article(Very)-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astrophysics: the Future
Several projects planned or proposed can significantly expand our knowledge of the high-energy Universe in gamma rays. Construction of the Cherenkov telescope array CTA is started, and other detectors...
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